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This is a notice from Seoul Cyber University.

The Department of Counseling Psychology is hosting the 20th anniversary Academic Symposium and the 4th International Counseling Psychology Seminar
Dt 2024.01.09 Hit 44
The Department of Counseling Psychology is hosting the 20th-anniversary Academic Symposium and the 4th International Counseling Psychology Seminar
- Join us on January 20th (Sat) from 10:00 to 17:00 at the Smart Lecture Hall on the 5th floor of Building A

[Photo] Poster for the 4th International Counseling Psychology Seminar

The College of Psychology and Counseling (comprising Departments of Counseling Psychology, Family Coaching and Counseling, Military Counseling, and Special Psychological Therapy) and the Graduate School of Counseling Psychology (Major in Counseling and Clinical Psychology) will host a face-to-face and YouTube live-streamed event for the 20th-anniversary Academic Symposium and the 4th International Counseling Psychology Seminar at the university on January 20th (Saturday) at 10:00.

Experience personalized career mentoring sessions, covering clinical psychologists, youth counselors, professional counseling teachers, and graduate school guidance, from 10:00 to 12:00. Then, join us at 13:00 in the Smart Lecture Hall on the 5th floor of Building A for the 4th International Counseling Psychology Seminar.

This seminar will be conducted under the theme 'Counseling and Psychotherapy in Sweden, the United States, and Korea.' Participants can register in advance through the Google Form.

The seminar will feature presenters from three countries: Sweden, the United States, and Korea. The first topic will be 'Transdiagnostic Integrative Protocols for Emotional Disorders' by Dr. Michael Lewin (Professor of Psychology at California State University, USA). The second topic is 'Negative Effects of Psychotherapy' by Dr. Alexander Rozental (Professor of Psychology at Uppsala University, Sweden). The third topic is 'Exposure-based Acceptance Commitment Therapy for Provoked Vestibulodynia (PVD)' by Dr. Monica Buhrman (Professor of Psychology at Uppsala University, Sweden). The final topic, presented by Director Park Sunyoung (People and People Psychological Counseling Research Institute), is 'Expansion of Acceptance Commitment Therapy: Values-Based Acceptance Commitment Therapy.' Each presentation will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. The moderators for the event are Professor Han Soomi (Chair of the Department of Counseling Psychology) and Professor Kim Hwan (Director of the Graduate School). The event will be live-streamed on the university's YouTube channel on the day of the event.

Professor Kim Hyuna (Dean of the College of Psychology and Counseling) announced, "In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Counseling Psychology Department, we are hosting an academic symposium and an international counseling psychology seminar this year. Through the academic symposium, we aim to facilitate social experience sharing among seniors and juniors and establish a network with experienced counselors. Moreover, the 4th international counseling psychology seminar, held annually since 2021, serves as a significant opportunity to enhance the global counseling capabilities of our current students," she stated. "In the future, our university will continue to support students in growing into practical counseling professionals through opportunities for career exploration and planning. We will also make efforts to invite globally renowned scholars, providing learning opportunities about the latest trends in counseling and psychological therapy to enhance the capabilities of our current students."


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