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This is a notice from Seoul Cyber University.

Applied Music Department, Professor Cho Hyejin offline seminar ‘Vocal Masterclass’
Dt 2024.05.16 Hit 158
Applied Music Department, Professor Cho Hyejin offline seminar ‘Vocal Masterclass’
- On Saturday, May 18th, at 1 p.m., the event will take place at the Tchaikovsky Hall


The Applied Music Department will host Professor Cho Hyejin's offline special lecture, 'Vocal Masterclass,' starting from 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 18th.

Professor Cho Hyejin, responsible for the 'Vocal Performance Techniques' class, will conduct a session aimed at current students of our university. The session, titled 'From Techniques to Career: Opening the Path of Musicians,' will delve into more practical aspects of vocal techniques that couldn't be fully explained in the online classes. It will be held at Tchaikovsky Hall on the 4th floor of Building A. Applications for attendance can be made through the Practical Music Department's website.

With a Master's degree in Jazz Vocal Performance from New Jersey City University and a doctoral background in Applied Arts from Kyung Hee University, Professor Cho Hyejin's musical journey transcends borders. Her performances have graced renowned venues worldwide, from Birdland to Cecil, Trumpets, Smoke, and Cleopatra Needle, spanning the cultural landscapes of New York, New Jersey, Spain, Hungary, Germany, and Thailand. Beyond her global presence, she's contributed significantly to the local music scene, enchanting audiences at festivals and art centers alike. As a testament to her artistic depth, she's curated four full-length albums and an array of singles, imprinting her mark as both a prolific songwriter and producer.

Under the guidance of Professor Choi Junghwan, the Applied Music Department at our university boasts an exceptional faculty, with alumni hailing from Berklee College of Music and prestigious graduate programs across the United States. Our curriculum, recognized as one of the nation's finest, is meticulously researched by our esteemed professors. Embracing the advantages of online learning, we offer a holistic education that combines rigorous theoretical instruction with hands-on practical experiences and diverse offline activities. Our mission is to cultivate forward-thinking musicians poised to make significant contributions across all realms of practical music, from popular genres to broader musical landscapes.


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