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Seoul Cyber University event.

The Department of Music Therapy is conducting music therapy programs as part of <2024 Healing Through Arts>
Dt 2024.05.21 Hit 203
The Department of Music Therapy is conducting music therapy programs as part of <2024 Healing Through Arts>
- On May 22 (Wed), 'You and I, Together in Harmony,' and on May 23 (Thu), 'Healing in the Forest of Music'




The Department of Music Therapy will conduct music therapy programs 'You and I, Together in Harmony' and 'Healing in the Forest of Music' on May 22 (Wednesday) and 23 (Thursday) at Mia Campus and Bukseoul Dream Forest as part of the '2024 Healing Through Arts' event.

Healing Through Arts' is a public participation art therapy workshop designed for everyone who needs healing in their daily lives, in conjunction with the 2024 World Week of Cultural and Arts Education.

On May 22 (Wednesday), the Music Therapy Department will present its inaugural music therapy program, 'You and I, Together in Harmony,' across three sessions in Room 501, Building A. 'You and I' is a phrase from the Jeju dialect meaning 'you and me.' This program is designed to offer a healing experience through collective singing, playing, and dancing, with the hope that it will strengthen mutual support among families, making their lives more meaningful.

The program welcomes anyone, including seniors and families, who wishes to use music to heal, communicate, and build strong mutual support and trust.
On Thursday, the 23rd, at 10 AM, the second program, 'Healing in the Forest of Music,' will be held at Changpowon in Bukseoul Dream Forest, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul. This program is intended for young adults and middle-aged individuals desiring true 'rest' through music therapy and self-care. Participants will immerse in nature and music, experiencing the purification and recharging of their bodies and minds.

Professor Yeo Jeong-yoon, Head of the Music Therapy Department, said, 'We designed this program for those who need healing in their daily lives or want to experience music therapy.' She added, 'On these beautiful spring days in May, we invite you to join us for an art therapy workshop where we connect through art and soothe our weary hearts.


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