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Seoul Cyber University event.

First AI Online Competition
Dt 2024.06.13 Hit 209
First AI Online Competition
- Initiative by the Big Data and AI Center, Departments of Big Data and Information Security, and AI



From June 17th (Mon) to June 30th (Sun), the Big Data AI Center will host the inaugural AI Online Competition in collaboration with the Departments of Big Data and Information Security, and AI. 

This competition is arranged in response to the growing societal interest and demand for artificial intelligence, aiming to provide current students with the opportunity to engage with AI technology and demonstrate their capabilities. It is open to all university students, regardless of their field of study.

The competition theme is 'Innovative AI Competition: Predicting Thyroid Disease for a Healthy Future!' Participants will develop prediction models using provided data, gaining both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Awards will be categorized into Grand Prize, Excellence Award, and Encouragement Award, with a total prize pool of 1.75 million won. Winners can anticipate enhancing their creative problem-solving and practical skills through their experience in developing exemplary AI models.

There will be two online briefings before the competition. The first briefing on June 17 will present the competition overview and baseline code. The second briefing on June 24 will provide guidance on the improved code and directions for enhancement. Both briefings will be conducted via Zoom, and further details can be found on the Big Data AI Center website.

Professors Lee Seong-man and Lee Kwan-soo from the Department of Big Data and Information Security are in charge of this competition and are encouraging participation from students interested in AI. Professor Lee Seong-man said, 'I hope this competition will be a great opportunity for students to develop practical AI skills,' and added, 'We plan to provide various programs to cultivate talent in big data and AI in the future.


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