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  • 서울사이버대학교 페이스북
  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오톡
  • 서울사이버대학교 네이버밴드
  • SNS공유 닫기


Logo · Symbol

  • CI Basic

    Symbol Mark (Basic)

    The symbol mark is a visual image that implicitly expresses the philosophy and goals of Seoul Cyber University. This is the most important element of Seoul Cyber University UI (University Identity) and is the core of all visual information systems. The symbol mark must be displayed in all external and internal activities of Seoul Cyber University, and the principle of using the symbol mark must be consistently observed.

  • minimum size 8mm Symbol Mark
    Usage Regulations

    Meaning of Symbol Mark

    The symbol mark embodies A, the first letter of the ancient Greek letter, and symbolizes Ace, which means first-rate, and Alpha, which means the beginning and beginning in the Bible. n addition, as a combination of and of 'Shinil' 信一, a foundation, it expresses the founding philosophy of Shinil Academy, which seeks to foster excellent talents through 21C distance education.


The signature is the official mark that most effectively combines the symbol mark and logotype.
Signatures can be selected and used appropriately according to the circumstances of the medium to be applied, and a signature system of mixed Korean and English, English, left and right, and top and bottom was developed to suit the function and purpose. Therefore, when applying a signature, there is no separate standard for preferential application of top-bottom or left-right combination, and when using a signature, the proportion, spacing, or size cannot be arbitrarily changed, and the color must also comply with color regulations.
If the interval or size is arbitrarily changed, the consistency of the signature system is lost and the image is damaged. Therefore, when playing the signature, use the computer output method using the original data.

Left-Right Combination Type

Table for left-right combination type
Basic Type Basic type Applied Type applied type
Basic Type(English) basic type(English) Applied Type(Korean/Web Address Mixed Type) applied type(Korean/web address mixed type)

Top-Bottom Combination Type

Table for top-bottom combination type
Basic Type(English) basic type(English) Basic Type Basic type
Applied Type(English) applied type(English) Applied Type applied type

Color Utilization

In principle, the symbol mark should use green (Pantone 341C Four Color Processing: C90% Y90%) on a bright background.
If it is difficult to express the symbol mark in green due to limitations in color expression of the background color, material, and applied media where the symbol mark is expressed, or if special effects such as maximization of luxury are required, the following colors can be used.

Table of Color Utilization
When Using 4 Primary Colors When Using Spot colors When Using Web
C90% Y90%, 먹100%  Gold(Pantone872C), Silver(Pantone877C), Green(Pantone341C) RGB(0 161 81)
Table of Color Utilization
When Using 4 Primary Colors
C90% Y90%, 먹100%
When Using Spot Colors
 Gold(Pantone872C), Silver(Pantone877C), Green(Pantone341C)
When Using Web
RGB(0 161 81)
Table for using ink background (brightness contrast)
When Using Ink Background
(When Using Brightness And Contrast)
  • ink 100%
  • ink 90%
  • ink 80%
  • ink 70%
  • ink 60%
  • ink 50%
  • ink 40%
  • ink 30%
  • ink20%
  • ink10%


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