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  • 서울사이버대학교 페이스북
  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오톡
  • 서울사이버대학교 네이버밴드
  • SNS공유 닫기

Real Estate Management

Department Overview

The department aims to cultivate leaders in the field of real estate management who are prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing and diverse global society.

It provides students with basic theories in various disciplines of social science such as economics, finance, legal sciences, urban planning and practical studies such as Development Planning & Management of Real Estate.

Comprehensive and balanced curricula will furnish students with systematic knowledge and the capability to cope with situational variables.

Special Features & Benefits

Students are organized into a variety of networks such as local study groups, mentoring relationships, and classmate interactions so that they can exchange information on current market situations and learn how to respond intelligently to rapid changes.

Real-world training and experience are emphasized. Additionally, foreign and domestic certificate programs are offered, along with special lectures concerning real estate policy and wealth management.

Career Opportunities upon Graduation

  • Realtor and Consultant in government office, research institute, government-operated enterprise, financial institution, real estate consulting business
  • International Certificate:
    CPM (Certified Property Manager), CCIM (Certified Commercial
    Investment Member), CIPS (Certified International Property Specialist)
  • Private certificate: building manager, property investment analyst, property ownership analyst, property auctioneer, property fund manager


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