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  • 서울사이버대학교 페이스북
  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오톡
  • 서울사이버대학교 네이버밴드
  • SNS공유 닫기

Technology Management of Defense Industry

년 커리큘럼 상세내용 - 학년,이수구분,1학기(교과목명,학점),하계학기(교과목명,학점),2학기(교과목명,학점),동계학기(교과목명,학점)을 보여줌
Academic Year Course Type Course Description Semester
Name of Course Credit 1 Summer Intensive Semester 2 Winter Intensive Semester
1 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Introduction to Counseling 3
1 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Introduction to Social Welfare 3
1 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Introducation to International Development and Cooperation 3
1 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) National Security and International Relations 3
1 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) North Korean Politics and Economy 3
1 General Education(Recommended Course) Computer Comprehension and Application(e-test) 3
1 General Education(Recommended Course) Our Global Issues 3
1 General Education(Recommended Course) Reflection of Humanities 3
1 General Education(Recommended Course) Know North Korean Society Right away 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Theory and Practice of Counseling 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Military and Diplomacy of North Korea 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) North Korea Economy and Inter-Korean Exchange 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Principles of Management 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Volunteer and Social Welfare 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) North Korean Society and Culture 3
2 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Practices in International Development Cooperation 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) Europe Culture and Arts 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) Family and Culture 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) Writing for Me and the World 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) Intermediate Level English 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) European Culture and Arts in Modern Era 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) Vocational Ethics 3
2 General Education(Recommended Course) War and Peace: International Peace Operations 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Introduction to Psychology 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Integrative Art Therapy with Children and Juveniles 6
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Seminar on International Development 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Theory and Practice in International Development Cooperation 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Comparison of North and South Korean Unification Policies 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) North Korea’s History and Leadership Changes 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 3
3 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Welfare for Immigration and Multi-cultural Family 3
3 General Education(Recommended Course) Human and Market Economy 3
3 General Education(Recommended Course) Understanding Global Culture 3
3 General Education(Recommended Course) Life and Law 3
3 General Education(Recommended Course) National Security 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Inter-Korean Social Integration 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Social Welfare and Human Rights 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Education in a Multicultural Society 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Organization and Leadership 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Understanding Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Management and Evaluation of Development Projects 3
4 Major Study(Course from Recommended Faculty) Traumatherapy 3
4 General Education(Recommended Course) The Comprehensive History of Korea 3
4 General Education(Recommended Course) Communication Skill 3
4 General Education(Recommended Course) Women and Society 3


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