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This is a notice from Seoul Cyber University.

Daejin Logistics Co., Ltd. contributes 10 million won to the development fund of the Global Trade and Logistics Department
Dt 2024.05.27 Hit 178
Daejin Logistics Co., Ltd. contributes 10 million won to the development fund of the Global Trade and Logistics Department 

On April 23rd, Daejin Logistics donated 10 million won for development to the Global Trade and Logistics Department.

Daejin Logistics, a leading company in the field of logistics, continuously donates development funds to fulfill its social responsibilities and contribute to the advancement of logistics education. Through this donation ceremony, it is expected to support the Global Trade and Logistics Department's educational programs and scholarships, contributing to the department's development and fostering cooperation between the university and the company.

Daejin Logistics Vice Chairman Jung Jong-moon stated, 'As an alumni of the Global Trade and Logistics Department at Seoul Cyber University and a logistics professional, I wish to support the development of the university and the training of logistics specialists.

Our university's Global Trade and Logistics Department has developed an educational curriculum suitable for the AI and ESG era, aiming to nurture proactive 'global trade and logistics professionals.' We have built an educational framework that encompasses comprehensive practical knowledge required for trade transactions, a global business perspective of global market dynamics, and practical knowledge and experience in logistics and distribution. In particular, we are exerting efforts to train experts in the field of trade and logistics by jointly establishing the pioneering 'Trade and Logistics Master' program, the first of its kind in domestic universities to integrate trade and logistics, in collaboration with the Korea International Trade Association's Trade Academy.


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