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Seoul Cyber University event.

Special Lecture Series on Admissions for New and Transfer Students, Hosted by the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies
Dt 2024.05.28 Hit 197
Special Lecture Series on Admissions for New and Transfer Students, Hosted by the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies
- Lectures are conducted online and broadcasted on YouTube

[Photo] Admissions Planning Special Lecture Series Poster

The Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies, under the leadership of Professor Lee Ji-young, is hosting a special lecture series on admission planning for new and transfer students for the upcoming second-half admissions. These admission planning lectures will be exclusively held online and will debut on YouTube.

The lectures are divided into three parts. The first part, titled "Reasons for Choosing the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies," features Kang Gil-sung (currently affiliated with the office of Shim Sang-jung, a member of the National Assembly), a policy advisor. The second part, titled "Life of a Young Leader Preparing for Unification," is led by Kim Sung-joo, Director of the Unification Policy Office at the Korea Youth Association. The third part, titled "Understanding North Korean Defectors," is delivered by Heo Eun-seo, a specialist in the field of unification and security at the National Unification Education Institute.

Professor Lee Ji-young, Chair of the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies and Vice Director of the Unification Guide Research Institute, stated, "Through this special lecture series, new and transfer students will have the opportunity to strengthen their abilities to contribute to the valuable future unification.

In 2024, the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies underwent a major overhaul to cultivate experts capable of actively addressing issues related to Korean Peninsula unification, security, inter-Korean relations, and North Korean affairs within the rapidly changing international order of Northeast Asia. Graduates can pursue careers in government agencies like the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Unification, Korea Institute for National Unification, and Korea Defense Institute, as well as various related organizations such as South-North exchange and cooperation agencies, mentors for North Korean defectors' social adaptation, and settlement assistants. They also have the option to pursue graduate studies in related fields at North Korean studies, unification, and security graduate schools.


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