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  • 서울사이버대학교 페이스북
  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오톡
  • 서울사이버대학교 네이버밴드
  • SNS공유 닫기


  1. 2005

    2005년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Oct. Local learning centers opened in Kyungbuk and southern Kyonggi province
    Sept. Local learning center opened in Honam province
    Aug. Class of 2004 Graduation Ceremony (latter period) (Number of bachelor's degree students:92)
    Mar. 2005 Matriculation Ceremony
    Feb. Class of 2004 Graduation Ceremony (Number of bachelor's degree students: 702)
    Jan. Agreement on Commissioned Education with National Health Insurance Corporation
  2. 2004

    2004년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Nov. Cooperation Agreement with Korean National Red Cross and National Rehabilitation Center
    Aug. Class of 2003 Graduation Ceremony (latter period)
    May Received funds from the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development and Korean Education & Research Information Service for development of educational content
    Mar. 2004 Matriculation Ceremony
    Feb. Class of 2003 Graduation Ceremony
  3. 2003

    2003년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Jul. Rated as having the highest quality online content by the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development and Korea Education & Research Information Service
    May Accredited as Level A Quality Content by the Committee of Korean Educational Content Certification
    Mar. Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation with Irkutsk State National University, Irkutsk, Russia
    Feb. Collaboration Agreement with Margaret Pritchard University, Jeonju, Korea
    2003 Matriculation Ceremony
  4. 2002

    2002년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Nov. School of Continuing Education opened
    Aug. Digital Library opened
    Feb. 2002 Matriculation Ceremony
  5. 2001

    2001년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Dec. Cooperation Agreement with Korea International Trade Association, Korea Multimedia Association, Korea International e-Business Association, Korea Research Academy of Information Distribution and Korea Society of Culture and Industry
    Mar. Cooperation Agreement with Korea Telecom Corporation
    Feb. 2001 Matriculation Ceremony
  6. 2000

    2000년 연혁 월별 세부일정 리스트
    Dec. Seoul Cyber University established Inauguration of Dr. Myungsoo, Kim as the 1st President


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